Code128 Barcode
- Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Download
- Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Generator Free
- Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Generator Software
- Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Generator No Human
Code128 barcode is currently one of the most widely used barcode. The reason is that this barcode can support the full ASCII character set, is flexible and can support very dense (number of characters per inch) barcode. Under the industry specifications, this barcode supports three different variations : Code 128 A, Code 128 B and Code 128 C. Each of the variations is targeted for specific purposes and switching between the different variations is possible with additional control characters. With the switching, the specifications also cater to an Auto mode to help users create the barcode easily. The Auto mode allows the barcode software to auto detect the data, determine the most optimized variation and, if required, switch between the variations automatically. It is recommended to use the Barcode Generator, the Excel Add in or other tools provided by Aeromium for the Auto mode.
When I attempt to use a barcode font of BC C128 Wide it does not display the barcode correctly on my report(It will only give me one vertical line, which I know isn't correct), but it will allow a font of BC C39 2 to 1 HD Medium to be displayed correctly. Unfortunately I need to print barcodes with the BC C128 symbology. Set the Font of the Text box as - BC C128 HD Medium. BC C128 HD Narrow. BC C128 HD Wide. Once you set the font so whatever data in the text box it will show as 2D Barcode. Nitesh Ranjan responded on 14 Jan 2014 12:56 AM LinkedIn. Code128Wide font available in ttf format for you to download. offers largest database of free fonts. This function requires the use of a barcode font without human readable text. However, the text can easily be displayed in a separate formula field with a font such as Arial. To encode a control character, enter it in the format: ^000, where 000 is its digital ASCII value.
Generating this barcode using the Barcode Generator
The easiest way to create this barcode is to use the Barcode Generator included in the installation package. Simply goto the Start Menu and launch Aeromium Barcode Fonts > Barcode Generator. This software automatesand simplifies the creation of the barcodes for you. After the barcode is created, you can simply copyand paste the barcode into your documents.
Generating this barcode using the Barcode Generator
Generating this barcode in Excel
Code 128 Barcode Fonts
The following is the list of fonts with varying heights supported by Aeromium. All the different variations of this barcode use the same set of fonts below.
FontCode128H3.ttf (Default Font)
Using this Barcode Manually
Code 128 AThe following table lists the characters supported by the Code 128 A barcode. The first column represents your data characters to be encoded by the barcode. The second column represents the barcode font characters to use. The Barcode Generator and Excel Macros will automatically help translate the data to the barcode font character and compute the check character. The characters for mode (variation) switching are also included in the table below. It is recommended to use the Barcode Generator, the Excel Add in or other tools provided by Aeromium for the Auto mode. This is to prevent human errors when creating the barcodes.
Data to be Encoded | Font Character to use | Values used for calculating Check Character |
' ' | ' ' (Space) | 0 |
'!' | '!' | 1 |
'' | '' | 2 |
'#' | '#' | 3 |
'$' | '$' | 4 |
'%' | '%' | 5 |
'&' | '&' | 6 |
'' | '' | 7 |
'(' | '(' | 8 |
')' | ')' | 9 |
'*' | '*' | 10 |
'+' | '+' | 11 |
',' | ',' | 12 |
'-' | '-' | 13 |
'.' | '.' | 14 |
'/' | '/' | 15 |
'0' | '0' | 16 |
'1' | '1' | 17 |
'2' | '2' | 18 |
'3' | '3' | 19 |
'4' | '4' | 20 |
'5' | '5' | 21 |
'6' | '6' | 22 |
'7' | '7' | 23 |
'8' | '8' | 24 |
'9' | '9' | 25 |
':' | ':' | 26 |
';' | ';' | 27 |
'<' | '<' | 28 |
'=' | '=' | 29 |
'>' | '>' | 30 |
'?' | '?' | 31 |
'@' | '@' | 32 |
'A' | 'A' | 33 |
'B' | 'B' | 34 |
'C' | 'C' | 35 |
'D' | 'D' | 36 |
'E' | 'E' | 37 |
'F' | 'F' | 38 |
'G' | 'G' | 39 |
'H' | 'H' | 40 |
'I' | 'I' | 41 |
'J' | 'J' | 42 |
'K' | 'K' | 43 |
'L' | 'L' | 44 |
'M' | 'M' | 45 |
'N' | 'N' | 46 |
'O' | 'O' | 47 |
'P' | 'P' | 48 |
'Q' | 'Q' | 49 |
'R' | 'R' | 50 |
'S' | 'S' | 51 |
'T' | 'T' | 52 |
'U' | 'U' | 53 |
'V' | 'V' | 54 |
'W' | 'W' | 55 |
'X' | 'X' | 56 |
'Y' | 'Y' | 57 |
'Z' | 'Z' | 58 |
'[' | '[' | 59 |
' | ' | 60 |
']' | ']' | 61 |
'^' | '^' | 62 |
'_' | '_' | 63 |
NUL | '`' | 64 |
SOH | 'a' | 65 |
STX | 'b' | 66 |
ETX | 'c' | 67 |
EOT | 'd' | 68 |
ENQ | 'e' | 69 |
ACK | 'f' | 70 |
BEL | 'g' | 71 |
BS | 'h' | 72 |
HT | 'i' | 73 |
LF | 'j' | 74 |
VT | 'k' | 75 |
FF | 'l' | 76 |
CR | 'm' | 77 |
SO | 'n' | 78 |
SI | 'o' | 79 |
DLE | 'p' | 80 |
DC1 | 'q' | 81 |
DC2 | 'r' | 82 |
DC3 | 's' | 83 |
DC4 | 't' | 84 |
NAK | 'u' | 85 |
SYN | 'v' | 86 |
ETB | 'w' | 87 |
CAN | 'x' | 88 |
EM | 'y' | 89 |
SUB | 'z' | 90 |
ESC | '{' | 91 |
FS | '|' | 92 |
GS | '}' | 93 |
RS | '~' | 94 |
US | ASCII 176 | 95 |
FNC3 | ASCII 177 | 96 |
FNC2 | ASCII 178 | 97 |
Shift | ASCII 179 | 98 |
Code C | ASCII 180 | 99 |
Code B | ASCII 181 | 100 |
FNC4 | ASCII 182 | 101 |
FNC1 | ASCII 183 | 102 |
Start A | ASCII 184 | 103 |
Start B | ASCII 185 | 104 |
Start C | ASCII 186 | 105 |
Stop | ASCII 187 | 106 |
Code 128 B
The following table lists the characters supported by the Code 128 B barcode. The first column represents your data characters to be encoded by the barcode. The second column represents the barcode font characters to use.
Data to be Encoded | Font Character to use | Values used for calculating Check Character |
' ' | ' ' (Space) | 0 |
'!' | '!' | 1 |
'' | '' | 2 |
'#' | '#' | 3 |
'$' | '$' | 4 |
'%' | '%' | 5 |
'&' | '&' | 6 |
'' | '' | 7 |
'(' | '(' | 8 |
')' | ')' | 9 |
'*' | '*' | 10 |
'+' | '+' | 11 |
',' | ',' | 12 |
'-' | '-' | 13 |
'.' | '.' | 14 |
'/' | '/' | 15 |
'0' | '0' | 16 |
'1' | '1' | 17 |
'2' | '2' | 18 |
'3' | '3' | 19 |
'4' | '4' | 20 |
'5' | '5' | 21 |
'6' | '6' | 22 |
'7' | '7' | 23 |
'8' | '8' | 24 |
'9' | '9' | 25 |
':' | ':' | 26 |
';' | ';' | 27 |
'<' | '<' | 28 |
'=' | '=' | 29 |
'>' | '>' | 30 |
'?' | '?' | 31 |
'@' | '@' | 32 |
'A' | 'A' | 33 |
'B' | 'B' | 34 |
'C' | 'C' | 35 |
'D' | 'D' | 36 |
'E' | 'E' | 37 |
'F' | 'F' | 38 |
'G' | 'G' | 39 |
'H' | 'H' | 40 |
'I' | 'I' | 41 |
'J' | 'J' | 42 |
'K' | 'K' | 43 |
'L' | 'L' | 44 |
'M' | 'M' | 45 |
'N' | 'N' | 46 |
'O' | 'O' | 47 |
'P' | 'P' | 48 |
'Q' | 'Q' | 49 |
'R' | 'R' | 50 |
'S' | 'S' | 51 |
'T' | 'T' | 52 |
'U' | 'U' | 53 |
'V' | 'V' | 54 |
'W' | 'W' | 55 |
'X' | 'X' | 56 |
'Y' | 'Y' | 57 |
'Z' | 'Z' | 58 |
'[' | '[' | 59 |
' | ' | 60 |
']' | ']' | 61 |
'^' | '^' | 62 |
'_' | '_' | 63 |
'`' | '`' | 64 |
'a' | 'a' | 65 |
'b' | 'b' | 66 |
'c' | 'c' | 67 |
'd' | 'd' | 68 |
'e' | 'e' | 69 |
'f' | 'f' | 70 |
'g' | 'g' | 71 |
'h' | 'h' | 72 |
'i' | 'i' | 73 |
'j' | 'j' | 74 |
'k' | 'k' | 75 |
'l' | 'l' | 76 |
'm' | 'm' | 77 |
'n' | 'n' | 78 |
'o' | 'o' | 79 |
'p' | 'p' | 80 |
'q' | 'q' | 81 |
'r' | 'r' | 82 |
's' | 's' | 83 |
't' | 't' | 84 |
'u' | 'u' | 85 |
'v' | 'v' | 86 |
'w' | 'w' | 87 |
'x' | 'x' | 88 |
'y' | 'y' | 89 |
'z' | 'z' | 90 |
'{' | '{' | 91 |
'|' | '|' | 92 |
'}' | '}' | 93 |
'~' | '~' | 94 |
DEL | ASCII 176 | 95 |
FNC3 | ASCII 177 | 96 |
FNC2 | ASCII 178 | 97 |
Shift | ASCII 179 | 98 |
Code C | ASCII 180 | 99 |
FNC4 | ASCII 181 | 100 |
Code A | ASCII 182 | 101 |
FNC1 | ASCII 183 | 102 |
Start A | ASCII 184 | 103 |
Start B | ASCII 185 | 104 |
Start C | ASCII 186 | 105 |
Stop | ASCII 187 | 106 |
Code 128 C
The following table lists the characters supported by the Code 128 C barcode. The first column represents your data characters to be encoded by the barcode. The second column represents the barcode font characters to use.
Data to be Encoded | Font Character to use | Values used for calculating Check Character |
00 | ' ' (Space) | 0 |
01 | '!' | 1 |
02 | '' | 2 |
03 | '#' | 3 |
04 | '$' | 4 |
05 | '%' | 5 |
06 | '&' | 6 |
07 | '' | 7 |
08 | '(' | 8 |
09 | ')' | 9 |
10 | '*' | 10 |
11 | '+' | 11 |
12 | ',' | 12 |
13 | '-' | 13 |
14 | '.' | 14 |
15 | '/' | 15 |
16 | '0' | 16 |
17 | '1' | 17 |
18 | '2' | 18 |
19 | '3' | 19 |
20 | '4' | 20 |
21 | '5' | 21 |
22 | '6' | 22 |
23 | '7' | 23 |
24 | '8' | 24 |
25 | '9' | 25 |
26 | ':' | 26 |
27 | ';' | 27 |
28 | '<' | 28 |
29 | '=' | 29 |
30 | '>' | 30 |
31 | '?' | 31 |
32 | '@' | 32 |
33 | 'A' | 33 |
34 | 'B' | 34 |
35 | 'C' | 35 |
36 | 'D' | 36 |
37 | 'E' | 37 |
38 | 'F' | 38 |
39 | 'G' | 39 |
40 | 'H' | 40 |
41 | 'I' | 41 |
42 | 'J' | 42 |
43 | 'K' | 43 |
44 | 'L' | 44 |
45 | 'M' | 45 |
46 | 'N' | 46 |
47 | 'O' | 47 |
48 | 'P' | 48 |
49 | 'Q' | 49 |
50 | 'R' | 50 |
51 | 'S' | 51 |
52 | 'T' | 52 |
53 | 'U' | 53 |
54 | 'V' | 54 |
55 | 'W' | 55 |
56 | 'X' | 56 |
57 | 'Y' | 57 |
58 | 'Z' | 58 |
59 | '[' | 59 |
60 | ' | 60 |
61 | ']' | 61 |
62 | '^' | 62 |
63 | '_' | 63 |
64 | '`' | 64 |
65 | 'a' | 65 |
66 | 'b' | 66 |
67 | 'c' | 67 |
68 | 'd' | 68 |
69 | 'e' | 69 |
70 | 'f' | 70 |
71 | 'g' | 71 |
72 | 'h' | 72 |
73 | 'i' | 73 |
74 | 'j' | 74 |
75 | 'k' | 75 |
76 | 'l' | 76 |
77 | 'm' | 77 |
78 | 'n' | 78 |
79 | 'o' | 79 |
80 | 'p' | 80 |
81 | 'q' | 81 |
82 | 'r' | 82 |
83 | 's' | 83 |
84 | 't' | 84 |
85 | 'u' | 85 |
86 | 'v' | 86 |
87 | 'w' | 87 |
88 | 'x' | 88 |
89 | 'y' | 89 |
90 | 'z' | 90 |
91 | '{' | 91 |
92 | '|' | 92 |
93 | '}' | 93 |
94 | '~' | 94 |
95 | ASCII 176 | 95 |
96 | ASCII 177 | 96 |
97 | ASCII 178 | 97 |
98 | ASCII 179 | 98 |
99 | ASCII 180 | 99 |
Code B | ASCII 181 | 100 |
Code A | ASCII 182 | 101 |
FNC1 | ASCII 183 | 102 |
Start A | ASCII 184 | 103 |
Start B | ASCII 185 | 104 |
Start C | ASCII 186 | 105 |
Stop | ASCII 187 | 106 |
Code 128A
To encode the data 'TESTIT' without the check digit manually, simply key in '[ASCII 184]TESTITm[ASCII 187]' and select the FontCode128H3.ttf font. The output is as follows :
The 'm' is the check character and its computation is illustrated in the next section below. [ASCII 184] is the start character of Code 128 A while [ASCII 187] is the stop character of Code 128 A.
Code 128B
Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Download
To encode the data 'testit' without the check digit manually, simply key in '[ASCII 185]testit=[ASCII 187]' and select the FontCode128H3.ttf font. The output is as follows :The '=' is the check character and it's computation is illustrated in the next section below. [ASCII 185] is the start character of Code 128 B while [ASCII 187] is the stop character of Code 128 B.
Code 128C
To encode the data '12345678' without the check digit manually, simply key in '[ASCII 186],BXnO[ASCII 186]' and select the FontCode128H3.ttf font. The output is as follows :
',' represents '12'
'B' represents '34'
'X' represents '56'
'n' represents '78'
The 'O' is the check character and it's computation is illustrated in the next section below. [ASCII 186] is the start character of Code 128 C while [ASCII 187] is the stop character of Code 128 C.
How to compute the check digit
Code 128AData - TESTIT
Data to be Encoded | T | E | S | T | I | T |
Multiply each of the character (the Code 128 value) with an increasing weight. | ||||||
Check Character Values | 52 | 37 | 51 | 52 | 41 | 52 |
Weight | *1 | *2 | *3 | *4 | *5 | *6 |
Sum : | (52*1) + (37*2) + (51*3) + (52*4) + (41*5) + (52*6) = 1004 | |||||
For Code 128A barcode, add 103 to the sum above | ||||||
Total | 1004 + 103 = 1107 | |||||
Check Character (Modulo 103) : | 1107 % 103 = 77 (which is represented by the character 'm') |
Code 128B
Data - testit
Data to be Encoded | T | E | S | T | I | T |
Multiply each of the character (the Code 128 value) with an increasing weight. | ||||||
Check Character Values | 84 | 69 | 83 | 84 | 73 | 84 |
Weight | *1 | *2 | *3 | *4 | *5 | *6 |
Sum : | (84*1) + (69*2) + (83*3) + (84*4) + (73*5) + (84*6) = 1676 | |||||
For Code 128B barcode, add 104 to the sum above | ||||||
Total | 1676 + 104 = 1780 | |||||
Check Character (Modulo 103) : | 1780 % 103 = 29 (which is represented by the character '=') |
Code 128C
Data - 12345678
Data to be Encoded | 12 | 34 | 56 | 78 | ||
Multiply each of the character (the Code 128 value) with an increasing weight. | ||||||
Check Character Values | 12 | 34 | 56 | 78 | ||
Weight | *1 | *2 | *3 | *4 | ||
Sum : | (12*1) + (34*2) + (56*3) + (78*4) = 560 | |||||
For Code 128C barcode, add 105 to the sum above | ||||||
Total | 560 + 105 = 665 | |||||
Check Character (Modulo 103) : | 665 % 103 = 47 (which is represented by the character 'O') |
Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Generator Free
Back to Barcode Fonts.FreeBarcode Fonts (Symbologies:) |
Code128 Barcode Tools:
Code 128 Barcode Add InFor Word: Stopthat cutting and pasting that takes forever. This Word Code 128 barcode add in allowsyou to not only have inline code 128 barcodes, but to float code 128 barcodes above yourdocument for perfect positioning... (Video Demo) | (MoreInfo & Download) |
Code 128 BarcodeAdd In For Excel®: Needa lot of code 128 barcodes? Need them fast? How about this tool with an office / word mailmerge. This add in creates a function, like any other function in Excel, thatcreates Code 128 Barcodes quick and easy... (Video Demo) | (More Info &Download) |
Code 128 Barcodes For OpenOfficeCalc: Needa lot of code 128 barcodes? Need them fast? How about this tool with a mailmerge. CROSSPLATFORM FOR WINDOWS, MACINTOSH, AND LINUX. (MoreInfo &Download) |
Code128 Converter .NET: Don'thave Office but need code 128 barcodes? No problem! While a touch slower than an office add in,this application is designed to generate and paste barcodes into documentsquickly and efficiently... (VideoDemo) | (MoreInfo & Download) |
Code128 Free Barcode Fonts:
TheFree Barcode Font Code128 is my personal favorite of all the linear free barcode fonts. It isthe first free barcode font I created and certainly the shortest of thefull ASCII linear barcode fonts and thecheck digit computation is fairly straightforward. This packageincludes two free barcode fonts, standard and large. Available hereis a free barcode font online toolfor creating a code 128 barcode from raw text (please install the freebarcode fonts before using.) Thefree barcode can then be cut and pasted into yourdocument.. For more information on manually computing the check digitfor the Code 128 free barcode fonts or more general Code 128font information check out thispage . I'm putting together some code samples toconvertVariant B and they can be found here.
Ifyou need alow cost barcode solution for Excel or Word, using free barcodefonts, there are add ins available here: Barcode Add In For Excel| Barcode AddIn For Word
DEVELOPERS:A DLL to convert code 128 is now available for free to allpaid license levels (for anyone wishing to incorporate theCode 128 font in their own application) and for a small feeforfree license users. If you would like to previewthe functionality of my free barcode fonts within a sample projectplease check outtheCode 128 DLL page. I'm hoping this willsave you a lot of work in generating your own conversion algorithm.
Code128 barcodes requires a check digit in the barcode or it will not scan.Unless you arewriting your own application to create a barcode you will need aconverter. We offer several, including the DesktopConverter,the FreeBarcode FontOnline Converter, Barcode Add In For Wordand Barcode Add In For Excelto create this check digit character in the barcode.
Download: Code128 Barcode Add In For Word
Download: Code 128 Barcode Add In For Excel
Download: Code128DesktopBarcode Converter
Download: Code128 Free Barcode Fonts Zip Archive (Font Files Only)
Download:Code 128 DLLs (COM& .NET) For Windows
I2OF5 Barcodes For Word:
Stopthat cutting and pasting that takes forever. This Word add in allowsyou to not only have inline barcodes, but to float barcodes above yourdocument for perfect positioning...
(MoreInfo &Download)
I2OF5 Barcodes For OpenOffice Calc:
Needa lot of barcodes? Need them fast? How about this tool with a mailmerge. CROSSPLATFORM FOR WINDOWS, MACINTOSH, AND LINUX.
(MoreInfo &Download)
Interleaved 2 OF 5 FreeBarcodeFonts:
Interleaved 2 of5 is a symbology that encodes numbers in even lengths (ie 2, 4, 6, 8,10, etc...) by encoding pairs of numbers in both the bars and spaces ofthe barcode, making a fairly short barcode for it's density. Thissymbology does not require a check digit, but encoding in it can be achore as each bar and space need to be separately encoded (for eachpair of digits there are 10 bars and spaces, either narrow or wide.)
Download: I2OF5 Free BarcodeFontsZip Archive
CodabarFree BarcodeFonts:
Download:Codabar FreeBarcode FontsHere
Postnet BarcodeTools:
PostNetAdd In For Excel:
CreatePostnetbarcodes easily for your mailing lists with Excel.
(MoreInfo &Download)
PostnetFree Barcode Fonts:
Download:Postnet Add In ForExcel & Font Archive Only
Code93FreeBarcode Fonts:
Code 39FreeBarcode Fonts:
Purchasing UPCBarcodes:
Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Generator Software
Bc C128 Hd Wide Font Generator No Human
CustomerSupport: |
Toaccess customer support, simply navigate to http://support.dobsonsw.comand initiate a support ticket. Your privacy is important to us. We willnot sell, give away,loan, lend, or in any way misuse your email address. You can expectemails from us for two reasons. Either we are responding to a supportrequest you have initiated or we are informing you about a substantialupdate in software you have registered (upgrades are normally free.) Wedo not SPAM. We do not tolerate SPAM. Period.