Install Windows 2000 Dosbox Android

  1. Install Dosbox Windows Xp
  2. Dosbox Install Windows 98
DosboxInstall Windows 2000 Dosbox Android

Now it is possible that you can use Windows 98 on your Symbian S60 mobile phone. Serum xfer. With a software named DOSBox, you can easily run Windows 98 successfully on Symbian smartphones such as N95 and Nokia 5800( 128MB RAM required).

How it Works

  • First Download DOSBox latest release from here [link]
  • Create a directory in your phone memory card e:doswindows’
  • Extract and copy all files of Windows 98 in this directory
  • Now create a directory E:data
  • Install DOSBox in E:data and set this path in dosbox.conf file
  • Modify image mount path in dosbox.conf as ;
Install Windows 2000 Dosbox Android

Imgmount c e:cdoswin98w98.img -t hdd -fs fat -size 512,63,16,518
Boot -l c


Install Dosbox Windows Xp

(you can modify or add image mount path by opening dosbox.conf file on Notepad)

  • Run DOSBox and enjoy Windows 98 on your Symbian mobile

Note: It will not affect your Symbian OS because it is just an emulator and not an installed Windows 98 Psp games for sale.

  • But I can swap data from my Android partitions to Windows partitions and run the EXE files. So in practice, I have to download everything on native Android and then copy it across. By the way, it is really slow. It took me about a day to install Windows, and then to actually boot Windows it generally takes about 10-20 minutes.
  • Feb 18, 2019 Install Windows 2000 (XP?) if you do not have a bootable CD-ROM. Doesn't W2k/XP setup need files from the subfolders in i386? 'copy.' does not take subdirs with it. There is also no need to make the HD bootable or to install the CDROM drivers manually. Download custom Windows 98SE bootdisk from 2. Download Dosbox. Make the floppy 3.
  • DOSBox is a free and open-source emulator of an Intel x86 personal computer designed primarily for the purpose of running software created for disk operating systems on IBM PC compatibles.It was first released in 2002, during which time DOS technology was becoming obsolete. It is notable for its widespread use for running DOS video games, as well as being used in commercial rereleases of those.

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Dosbox Install Windows 98

Jul 14, 2004 Install Windows 2000 (XP?) if you have a swappable floppy / CD-ROM laptop, but cannot boot from a CD size=3How to install Windows 2000 from DOS without a bootable CDROM/size 1.). Creating the DOSBox folder on Chrome OS. If you're on a Chromebook, you'll have to create the folder inside your Downloads folder, because that's the only directory that both Chrome and Android.