Lookin Body Serial Number

  1. Serial Number Lookup
  2. Lookin Body Serial Number Tags
  3. Lookin Body Serial Numbers

Chevrolet Passenger Cars and Trucks

Model Identification Charts, Serial Number & Cowl Tag Locations,

Paint, Trim & Engine Codes for U.S. Built 1939 - 1958 Models

Lookin’Body120 is shopper management software package that’s compatible with the InBody 230, 370, 520, 570, 720, and 770 models. This software package permits you to look at and manage all InBody knowledge generated from your InBody unit. Serial Number Stamped on the Body The MB body tub is stamped with a serial number in this format: 123456. This stamping can be found on the driver's side toeboard gusset which is a triangular brace on the body tub best viewed from in the engine compartment. On MBs, this number does not match either the data plate, frame numbers, or engine. The InBody 570 body composition analyzer goes beyond traditional body composition analysis, measuring fat, muscle, and total body water. Total body water data can be divided into intracellular water and extracellular water, values important for understanding a user’s fluid distribution in medical, wellness and fitness contexts.

The cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow cookies' to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click 'Accept' below then you are consenting to this. Q Data transfer from Lookin’Body to InBody is not working. A - The InBody’s Lookin’Body setup is incorrect. Please refer to user manual, check if Lookin’Body is set up properly in SETUP mode. Lookin’Body’s communication port setup is incorrect. Please change the port in Lookin’Body’s SETUP.

Second Edition

1953 & 1954 Serial # Tag

1949 - 1952 Models location is on

Driver's Side Front Door Pillar

1953 - 1957 Models location is on

Driver's Side Front Door Pillar

1942 - 1948 Models location is under floor

mat forward of Passenger side of front seat

Location for 1942 - 1957 Models is on Passenger Side Upper Firewall

Serial Number Decoding Chart 1942 - 1957Cowl (Body) Plate Decoding Chart 1942 - 1957
Chevrolet Passenger Car Model Id Charts
Production Figures 1946 - 1957 U.S. Built Passenger Cars

Interior Trim Codes

Paint Codes

Series Id Passenger Cars & Trucks

1953 - 19541939194819541940 - 1946
1955 - 19561940194919551947 - 1949
1941195019561950 - 1958
1935 - 1948 Paint Colors
1949 - 1954 Paint Colors

1946 - 1954 Registry Database for U.S. Built Passenger Cars

1946 - 1954 Collected Data

Serial Number Lookup

Special Note 1 May 2007: Added a new page for Hub Cap Identification. This page is far from complete and will take time to gather photos and information on the various Hub Caps used on the many Chevrolet Models.

1941 - 194619501954

Acknowledgements & Thanks To the Good Folks at ChevyTalk.org

& David Hayward of England for some of this info.

12 March 2013

When ordering parts, it is essential that your car is identified exactly, by model year and serial number. Since many part changes were made during model years, the car number, engine number and body number provide the only positive identification. Quite often a car’s title will not show the correct model year. Before ordering parts, please use the space provided below to copy the applicable numbers from your car. Use of these numbers is the best way to insure that you order and receive the correct parts Wherever possible, we have listed part applications by car number(c). In some cases, we had to use the engine numbers(e) or body numbers(b).

Lookin Body Serial Number Tags

The Engine Number is stamped on a plate secured to the front left-hand side of the cylinder block. (100-6 and 3000 only.) The 100-4 is num­bered on the right-hand side of the block.

The Gearbox Number is stamped on the right-hand side of the gearbox below the oil level dipstick (except BN1).


The Car Number (A) and the Body Number (B) are stamped on plates on the right-hand side of the firewall.

Lookin Body Serial Numbers

YearModelStarting Numbers:
Engine:Finishing Numbers:
1953-55100 BN1133234136894228026(unkown)3-Speed
1956-59100-6 BN422598(BN4 uses car/engine numbers)(unkown)4-speed
1956-59100-6 BN422598(BN4 uses car/engine numbers)(uknown)4-seater
1958-59100-6 BN650160949465026D-H777662-seater
6-port cylinder head
1959-613000 BN7 MkI10129D-H-1011375029D-H-262122-seater
horizontal grille slats
1959-613000 BT7 MkI10129D-H-1011375029D-H-262124-seater
horizontal grille slats
1961-623000 BN7 MkII1375129E-H-1011888829E-H-57992-seater
vertical grille slats
3 x 1 1/2' carburetors
1961-623000 BT7 MkII1375129E-H-1011985329E-E57994-seater
vertical grille slats
3 x 1 1/2' carburetors
1962-633000 BJ71755129F-101
2531429F-6188Roll-up windows
2 x 1 3/4' carburetors
1963-683000 BJ82531529F-101
4302629FF-164Roll-up windows
2 x 2' carburetors
wood veneered dash