- Paragon Marine Transmission
- Paragon Marine Cfx Transmission Manuals
- Paragon Marine Cfx Transmission Manual Transmissions
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Here are some recommendations from members for Paragon transmission parts. Please feel free to add more recommendations:
ALTO Products Corp
One Alto Way
Atmore, AL 36502
Here is their parts catalog, they have all the rebuilt parts for all the Paragon transmissions, and many other brands too.
Jack Klerk says: This is our very best group for paragon repair. . But, they are the best in the mid west By far. Our family has used them for many years. Honest, fast, good guys to work with.
www.marinegears.comhttp://www.marinegears.com/in-line.html Also called Transmission Marine 800-462-8848 ext 98
call and talk to Mark Waite, he's very familiar with Paragons. They have Paragon manuals too.
Great Lakes Power www.greatlakespower.com
They also produce and stock Paragon parts. http://paragonmarine.com/
Paragon Marine Transmission
Paragon Marine Transmissions are manufactured under the umbrella of the Great Lakes Power Companies, based in Mentor, Ohio, offering both mechanical and hydraulic marine transmissions.
Paragon Marine Cfx Transmission Manuals
Paragon’s hydraulic units are often found on Chris Craft, Chrysler, Universal, and other name brand engines.
Models include:
- PM Series
- PLV Series
- PL Series
- PMV Series
- 1XE-4XE Series
- HJA Series
- HF7 Series
- HJ7 Series
- P200-P400 Series
Paragon also produces power-mated accessories, such as damper plates, oil coolers, and a neutral safety switch, that optimize the transmissions and enable long-term use.
Unfortunately, many Paragon Marine transmissions are obsolete. Many transmissions will not be repairable.
Paragon Marine Cfx Transmission Manual Transmissions
We have a variety of parts in stock for Paragon boat transmissions. Please contact us to discuss your needs.